Mecklenburg – a place to fall in love with
Anyone with eyes to see can and will enjoy the understated beauty of Mecklenburg and Pomerania. The harmonious transitions from forest landscapes to gently undulating fields, surrounded by lakes to the Baltic Sea areas, the sweeping sandy beaches to rugged coastlines, restoring tranquillity and strength to the senses.
Mecklenburg's history reflects this power. To this day, the region has steadfastly maintained its independence from outside influences.
In difficult times, it is clear that the people of Mecklenburg find the cohesion that lends strength to the local community.
We Mecklenburgers and Prussians are the key to liberating the European nations, and we embrace this responsibility vested in us.
There is no better way to describe Mecklenburg than in the words of Fritz Reuter:
When the Lord God created the world for us,
He began here Mecklenburg,
proceeding then from the Baltic Sea,
He made everything here complete with His own hands......
beautiful indeed in all its entirety,
for all those who are born and grow old there;
and when an outsider enters this place,
and has eyes to see,
he cannot fail to notice
that the Lord God's hand has rested on the meadows and forests,
the mountains and lakes,
that He has elected Mecklenburg to be His very own
and that everything is good.
(Fritz Reuter 1874)