The natural disaster that sank Atlant(is)

How the times of tribulation arrived: The sun had been hidden behind the clouds all summer, as if it were loathe to see the earth. The wind rested in its cave, causing smoke and vapour to rise like pillars over the houses and stagnant pools. This produced air that was dull and gloomy, and there was neither good cheer nor joy in people’s hearts. In the midst of this silence, the earth began to shake as if it were dying:

Mountains split apart to spew fire and fires. Others sank down into her lap, and where there had once been fields, mountains now towered up. Aldland, called Atland by the seafarers, sank down and the wild lagoon rose over the mountains and valleys, submerging that everything beneath the sea. Many people were buried in the earth and many who escaped the fire simply perished later on in the waters. The mountains spat fire not only in the lands of the Frisians, but also in Twiskland. Forests burned, one after the after, and when the wind came from there, our lands were strewn with ashes, while rivers shifted and new islands of sand and floating creatures appeared at their mouths.

The earth suffered like this for three years. And when she came to rest, you could see her wounds. Many lands had sunk, others had risen from the sea, and half the forests of Twiskland were left destroyed. Groups of the Finda people came to settle in the abandoned spaces. Those that had departed our lands were killed or became their slaves. So, vigilance was certainly the order of the day, and time taught us that unity is our strongest fortress.’

There is another report:

‘When Atland sank, the shores of the Mediterranean were also in a bad way. As a result, many people from Finda's country (see Europe map!) had come to our near (Spain and Italy) and far (Greece) Creole countries and also many from Lyda's country. Equally, though, many of our people had moved to Lydia's country as well. All this had had the effect that the Krekalands near and far were lost and removed from the sovereignty of the Mother.’

The actual biblical flood

The consequences of this natural disaster were so enormous that the Fryas began to count the years from this momentous event. Until the middle of the 19th century, Frisian and Dutch house calendars and annals still numbered the years ‘after the Flood’. One example is the Vriesche Volks-Almanak voor het Schrikkeljaar 1836, which states the year 4029 as after the Flood (4029 - 1836 = 2193!). And because the Oera Linda Book awoke from its forgotten slumbers just a few years later – previously kept secret from the ‘delusional sages’ – the latter were forced to falsify our North Sea Flood into a biblical flood. These are two completely different events at different times, as proven scientifically all of 85 years ago (e.g. by Albert Herrmann in Katastrophen, Naturgewalten und Menschenschicksale).

Herman Wirth draws on post-glacial climate deterioration to document the natural disaster:

‘It is therefore the geological event of the post-glacial climate deterioration, which, with its sudden onset, befell the old Fryasland like a cruel stroke of fate. Palaeo-geological and botanical research in the 20th century has established that a dry (sub-boreal) warm period prevailed in northern Europe and northern Germany during the second half of the Late Stone Age and throughout the Bronze Age, with an average annual temperature around 2°C higher than in modern-day Scandinavia. This epoch was preceded by a mild (sub-Atlantic) maritime climate until the end of the Dolmen period.’

Impact of the Swift Tuttle comet in 2193 B.C.

This report is so valuable because it documents the formation of today's North Sea and the separation of Britain from the European mainland. Captain Harm Menkens mathematically proves that this catastrophe was caused by the impact of various parts of the Swift-Tuttle comet on different parts of the Earth:

‘The 19th-century astronomers calculated an incorrect orbital period! Everything suddenly fell into place with the comet’s new and corrected orbital period: flying parts of the Swift-Tuttle hit the earth at various points in the year 2193 B.C. according to the Christian calendar – or mathematically in the year 2192 B.C. – triggering the huge natural catastrophe... It is reasonable to assume that several parts of the Swift-Tuttle comet hit the mainland, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean at various points in the year 2193 B.C. at a speed of up to 40 km/sec, unleashing tsunamis of between 50 and 80 metres in height. It is also possible that tsunamis of up to 80 metres in height swept huge peat bogs with houses, people and livestock out into the Atlantic, where they were then driven into Central America.’

Seeking to reconcile the date 2193 B.C. with his findings, Kiss summarises:

‘The consistency between this information and the dating of the general land subsidence at the time of the almost completed rounding of Luna's orbit around the Earth is as satisfactory as one could wish it to be. Based on the theory of the world ice proposed by the engineer Hanns Hörbiger, the series of flood disasters must have begun around this time or initially even earlier. They have continued until the present day on the north coast of Europe and in a slightly different form in the same latitudes of North America and Asia, occasionally as genuine catastrophes and then – more frequently even – as events unfolding in gradual increments. It is clear that not only the near-Earth moon, which at the time of its perigee approached to within a few tenths of a metre of the Earth's diameter, was certain to cause the most serious changes within the Earth's crust – quite apart from the simultaneous flooding of the sea – but that the same thing occurred to a lesser extent, only in a partially reversed sense, when the moon's orbit became rounded.’

A closer look at the two theories reveals striking parallels. They are not necessarily mutually contradictory, as Kiss is discussing the moon, while Menkens identifies comet parts as the cause of the catastrophe. After all, it is conceivable that the moon Luna was influenced in its orbit by parts of the comet Swift-Tuttle – or vice versa. The two celestial bodies might even have interacted. A fourth scenario would involve the simultaneous action of both celestial bodies in different orbits in the immediate vicinity of the Earth. Menkens is convinced that comet fragments collided with the Earth. Although the account in the chronicle makes no reference to falling celestial bodies, it does not claim the opposite – that nothing was sighted in the sky. Kiss points out that the rounding of the orbit was almost complete, apparently somewhat premature, which might point to an external influence – e.g. comet parts. Swift-Tuttle could therefore have triggered – with or without the moon Luna – the tectonic processes that led to the earthquake, the volcanic eruptions and the Flood simply due to its proximity to the Earth. It is therefore conceivable that a combination of both theories would finally shed light on what caused the disaster, although this will be a task for appointed researchers. A remarkable fact is that both theories were developed independently, as neither of these men were aware of the other's research!

His Royal Highness Grand Duke Friedrich Maik ® ™ 2024
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