He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings (Daniel 2:21). The Lord God deposes kings and installs kings. It the lowly and raises him to be king, and it is He who gives kingdoms to whom He wills. Who is the human who could advise Him and contradict Him? is He who exalts?
Just as God commissioned Samuel and Elijah to anoint certain people chosen by Him to be king, so it is today on the 26th. day of the month of November 2020. The Lord and God has appointed and anointed you, Grand Duke Friedrich Maik, as King and installed you as King over the Kingdom of Prussia with the Duchies of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Pomerania. He has anointed you, Grand Duke Friedrich Maik, with the holy oil, which is sanctified for the purpose of the Most High, with the fresh anointing oil from the anointing oil horn, which is made of ram's horn. When the anointing oil, Grand Duke Frederick Maik, was poured over the crown of your head, your forehead, the Lord God installed you as king in the kingdom He gave unto you. He has given you His authority as ruler and king. Since God has done this in secret, the name of the chosen instrument of God the Kingmaker should also remain unnamed such that honour may belong to the Lord God alone. When God anoints with oil, the Holy Spirit comes upon the anointed one from that moment on and remains with this person – including you, Grand Duke Friedrich Maik. The seal of the Most High, who created heaven and earth and all that exists, the seal of His signet ring is on your anointing as king over the kingdom He entrusts to you.
And the Lord has promised to be with you from now on in everything you do. He will give you wisdom and boldness to carry out all that God has destined for you. His holy book, which He wrote about you before the foundation of the world, will be fulfilled in all things and shall guide you in the perfect plan of the eternal God of life and light. He has placed angels at your side to protect you and clear the way for you so that the will of God is done and his glory is spread in your kingdom. He will give you knowledge and insight and reveal secrets and give you the treasures that lie hidden. So be courageous and stand by Him, for He has stood by you and protected you ever since you were formed in secret.
He who rules righteously among men, who rules in the fear of God, is like the light of the morning when the sun rises, in the morning without clouds. And as the grass breaks out of the ground after the rain, so my house is firm with God! For He has established an everlasting covenant with me, well ordered and secure in all things. He will being prosperity to all that nurtures me and everything I crave. 2. Samuel, 23, 23a- 25
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, so be it. Amen.
Princess Rebekka of Habsburg-Lorraine * Princess of God
Sovereign Queen of the Austro-Hungarian Empire