A proclamation declares what a person would like.

In his proclamations, Grand Duke Friedrich Maik referred to international law. His formal declaration defined his territories of the Grand Duchies of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, the Duchy of Pomerania and the Kingdom of Prussia and explained his views regarding the relations between his territories and others around the world. In the proclamations, he also set out his views or intentions towards the international community in general.

Valid proclamations for the Grand Duchies of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Mecklenburg-Schwerin and the Duchy of Pomerania.

These proclamations were submitted to the United Nations as indicated under the registration numbers.

Proklamation: RE 06 896 674 6DE

  • Activation of the parliamentary monarchy within the 1918 borders *

    Sunday, 21 July 2019
    in Mecklenburg/Schwerin 

Proklamation: RE 06 896 675 0DE

  • Secession from the federal territory of the Deutsches Reiches*

    Sunday, 21 July 2019
    in Mecklenburg/Schwerin

Proklamation: RE 06 896 676 3DE

  • Introduction of the ‘Schilling’ as a gold-backed currency, the cabinet seal, stamp, national anthem, national flag of Mecklenburg*

    Sunday, 21 July 2019
    in Mecklenburg/Schwerin

Proklamation: RE 06 896 677 7DE

  • Seizure of church, foundations, commanderies*

    Thursday, 25 July 2019
    in Mecklenburg/Schwerin

Proklamation: RE 06 896 678 5DE

  • Prohibition of parties, foundations, associations*

    Sunday, 5 August 2019
    in Mecklenburg/Schwerin

Proklamation: RE 06 896 679 4DE

  •   Secession from the North German Confederation*

    Thursday, 22 August 2019
    in Mecklenburg/Schwerin

Proklamation: RE 06 896 680 3DE

  • Gebietserklärung der Grossherzogthümer / keine Zugehörigkeit zum Staatsgebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, nicht im Bund der BRD – NGO*

    Donnerstag, den 22. August 2019
    zu Mecklenburg/Schwerin

Proklamation: RE 06 896 681 7DE

  • Stromausfall, Wasserversorgung, Lebensmittelversorgung*
    Donnerstag, den 01. Februar 2020
    zu Mecklenburg/Schwerin

Proklamation: RE 06 896 682 5DE

    Erklärung zum Neustart
    Mecklenburgs und Pommerns*
    Donnerstag, den 25. September 2019
    zu Mecklenburg/Schwerin

*Naturally, the proclamations presented here have been signed, sealed and submitted to the United Nations. What you see here is for information purposes only.

His Royal Highness Grand Duke Friedrich Maik ® ™ 2024
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