What was life like in Germany and Europe 2,000-5,000 years ago?

‘This is inscribed on all castles: Before the age of tribulation came, our country was the most beautiful in the world. The sun rose higher and there was rarely any frost. Fruit and nuts grew on the trees and bushes, which are now lost. Among the grass seeds, we not only had barley, oats and rye, but also sweet corn (wheat?) that shone like gold and could be baked under the rays of the sun.’

The years were not counted, because one year was as happy as the next.

On one side we were surrounded by Wraldas Sea (Atlantic Ocean) on which no people except us could sail. On the other side we were greeted by the broad Twiskland (intermediate land) into which the Findas people (Finns and Magyars) dared not venture on account of the dense forests and their wild animals. Towards the East we bordered the outer end of the Aster Sea (Baltic Sea), towards West the Middle Sea (Mediterranean),so that we had – not counting the smaller ones – probably twelve large sweet rivulets, given to us by Wralda to keep our land moist and to show our brave people the way to their sea.

The banks of these watercourses were mostly all inhabited by our people, as were the fields along the Rhine from one end to the other. Opposite the Denmarks (Denmark) and Juttenland (Jutland) we had folk plantations (colonies in southern Sweden and Norway) with a castle mother. From there we extracted copper and iron, as well as tar, pitch and a few other necessities

The land of the banished

Opposite our former Westland (the sunken western part of North Frisia with the remaining islands of Sylt, Föhr and Amrum), we had Brittania (Britain) with its tin mines. Brittanja was the land of the Bannlings (banished) who had moved away with the assistance of their castle mother in order to preserve their lives. But to prevent them from returning, a ‘B’ was fist carved into their foreheads, the banished with red blood paint and the other offenders with blue paint.

Extent of the country

Our seafarers and merchants kept numerous warehouses in the neighbouring Crecaldes (Spain and Italy) and in Lyda (Libya/Africa). There are black people in Lydia.

Because our country was so spacious and large, we had many strange names. Those who lived in the east of the Low Marches (Denmark) were called Jutten (Jutes), mainly because they mostly did nothing else but ‘jutten’ (collect) amber. Those who lived on the islands were called Letne (Latvians) because they lived largely ‘verleten’ (abandoned). All beach and coastal dwellers from the Denmarks to the Sandfall, now called the Scheldt, are named Stjurar (helmsmen), Seekämper (sea fighters) and Angelara (anglers). Angelara was the historical name given to outdoor fishermen because they used only a rod or hook line to catch fish, never nets.

Those who travelled from there to the nearby Crecaldes (Spain and Italy) were simply called Kadheimers (coastal dwellers) because they never went to sea. Those who inhabited the High Marches bordering the Twisklande are called Saxmannen (Saxons) because they were mainly armed against wild animals and feral migrants. We also used the names Landsaten (land dwellers), Marsaten (sea dwellers) and Holz- or Waldsaten (forest dwellers).’


The land and people of the Fryas

Likely known originally as Tuiscoland, after Tuisco, our progenitor; later Teut-land (derived from Teut-onen, Teut-sche). Even today the Swedes, Danes, Norwegians & Faroese call it Tyskland, the Icelanders Thyskaland. But we should not think of today’s Germany, but of how it was over 4,200 years ago: an unimaginably large and dense forest area north of the Danube from the Rhine to the Carpathians. According to Caesar, it took around 9 days to traverse the country from north to south carrying light (!) provisions, even 2,220 years after the catastrophe that burnt half of it to the ground. It took more than 60 days' march to the east, although not even the Germanic tribes knew where its eastern end lay. Caesar also reports thart this Hercynian forest was inhabited by animals he had never seen before, among them aurochs, which were only slightly smaller than elephants!

The oldest castle texts of the Oera Linda Book (also: Oera Linda, short: ULC or OLH) describe the land and people of the Fryas before the natural catastrophe (‘the age of tribulation’) of 2193 BC befalls them. The Frya people derive their origins from their ancestral mother Frya (Freya), from whom they received their laws (‘Fryas Tex’) and their alphabet (‘Skrift’). The name Fryas means ‘the free’, which is easy to derive without even knowing the language: fry bern = freeborn; frya(s) bern = Fryas-born or freeborn. Even today, the language of the Fryas is unmistakably similar to Frisian, Dutch and Low German.

What did the people's mother Frya look like? ‘Frya was as white as the snow at dawn, and the blue of her eyes surpassed that of the rainbow. Her hair shone like the rays of the midday sun, as delicate as a spider's web.’

So Frya was a woman of flesh and blood who – like Odin – was transfigured into a god after her death by occult priests and misused for idolatry! Indeed, the Fryas has good reasons to call those occult priests ‘delusional sages’! (The priests themselves used the names Magyars and Golen (= Gauls))

His Royal Highness Grand Duke Friedrich Maik ® ™ 2024
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