Since 2018, we have been trying to get into conversation with complete strangers in numerous regular meetings, office discussions, in everyday life with friends, acquaintances and family as well as beyond the borders of the Duchy. We notice again and again: Due to years of manipulation through system media - regardless of their nature - many basics and understanding of the most important knowledge have been lost. But we have to become aware of these many important things if we want to live as sovereign people again.
That's why we've explained a few important terms on this page about which, in our opinion, there is always the greatest confusion. Please know that we understand the situation. Only we together can move each other forward.
Maybe the following tips will be helpful!
There is no German citizenship in the so-called Federal Republic of Germany, because the term “German” in the ID card does not describe citizenship
There is no such thing as a “German people”, but rather German peoples!
Ancestry is about bloodline.
By clarifying our ancestry we gain the right to have a place where we can live.
Belonging comes from ancestry. Anyone born in Mecklenburg is a Mecklenburger (by birthright).
Territorial affiliation = place where someone lives.
Thus the church property is stripped away
(1) The name of a person is subject to the law of the state to which the person belongs.
(2) Spouses can choose the name they will use in the future at the registry office during or after the marriage
1. under the law of a state of which one of the spouses is a national, notwithstanding Article 5 paragraph 1, or
2. according to German law, if one of them has his habitual residence in Germany.
Declarations made after marriage must be publicly authenticated. 3Section 1617c of the Civil Code applies mutatis mutandis to the effects of the choice on a child's name.
(3) The holder of custody can tell the registry office that a child should be given the family name
1. under the law of a State of which a parent is a national, notwithstanding Article 5 paragraph 1,
2. according to German law, if one parent has his habitual residence in Germany, or
3. according to the law of the state to which the person granting the name belongs.
Declarations made after the birth has been certified must be publicly certified.
(4) (dropped out)
A document must have a closed edge
In addition to the personal data of the person to whom the certificate is issued, it must contain the corresponding signature on the left side
If the signatures of three other witnesses must be present on the right-hand side,
which confirm that the person to whom the document is issued is alive!
(Each signature with right thumbprint)
This results in the cession of the person (dead person) to the church
reversed (passport, life certificate, RV number)
Man regains his birthrights
• These documents must be delivered to the following “offices” or “authorities”:
- Federal Administration Office Cologne (BVA)
- Berlin Pension Insurance Institute (RV)
- Residents' registration office of the place of residence
- Birth registry office
Always write to the managing director!
(The documents must remain in each authority)Now the person manages his legal and natural person
To do this he needs the General Trading Conditions (AHBs) and fee schedule as well as THE ONE PEOPLES PUBLIC TRUST 1776!
Now the collateral can no longer be used to generate money for the system.
When a mother signs the birth certificate after the birth of her child, she cedes the child to the church
According to the “law”, she is now only a legal guardian (matter), just as the father is only a legal guardian.
The newborn's physical data and a footprint are also stored
The individual data including origin etc. are the basis for the value that can be generated.
Through the birth announcement, the system can now generate money because we live in a debt system. Double-entry bookkeeping - see birth announcement - two birth books (from which the double-entry bookkeeping is created)
What is double-entry accounting?
Double-entry bookkeeping (also called Doppik) is the accounting methodology in which every business transaction is posted twice - in the account and counter account. This is also referred to as the so-called debit and credit booking.
Double-entry bookkeeping is used by companies that are required to keep books to determine profits by preparing a balance sheet and income statement, i.e. the two-part annual financial statements.
We are often asked why the creation of any certification costs money. We don't want to be left without an answer to this either.
Grand Duke Friedrich Maik has transferred his entire private assets to the people of Mecklenburg. It is needed for the starting shot of active life in the Grand Duchy. But it's not time yet!
The Grand Duke's office in Bad Kleinen also still has to cope with some of the system's conditions. There are costs for companies, rents, grants for volunteers and for any services from the system that need to be served.
Documents that were published also had to be designed beforehand and the printing paid for. A whole litany of costs could now be cited.
For this reason, these services must be calculated and we ask for your understanding.
Ultimately, we all have one goal - our sovereignty and our free life.